Symbiosis building soil life.

How do you build soil health without having the luxury of animal impact. It is one thing to build soil health on a bison farm. The microbes in the the the bison, turkey, pig and chicken dung builds the life in the soil. In the sculpture garden at Lawndale I am going to use LEAF MOLD COMPOST. This product is produced primarily from recycled leaves, with a little grass and horse manure mixed in, a touch of fruits and vegetables. After a long slow compost it will be rich in beneficial microbes. It will help save water and promote healthy soil. I was going to wait until early spring before we replanted the garden. However, Sunday Lawndale is having it's Sunday brunch fund raiser. And this is in the day if Covid 19 so the event is outside. I noticed that the heavy rains of late have compacted several areas in the beds and washed away some soil. It will be an opportunity to to talk about living soil,

I spent time researching different types of compost and mulch. Natures Way Resources compost native plants, is locally owned and located in the Houston area. The owner is a soil scientist. I had a long conversation with him today and he really knows living soil. I can't wait to see life return to the garden.

Here you can see how the soil is wearing away without having plants/roots hold it down. You can also see how the rain hitting it had compacted the ground. When the soil becomes compacted it stops absorbing water. .

Here you can see how the soil is wearing away without having plants/roots hold it down. You can also see how the rain hitting it had compacted the ground. When the soil becomes compacted it stops absorbing water. .

The goods

The goods

The tools

The tools


Happy Soil Day.


Happy National Soil Day. Notice the length of the root system of this turf grass-just a few inches. πŸ‘Ž


The image I posted is not soil to be celebrated.It is what I call mindless conformity 🀨AND - now for the good news- πŸŒ±β˜˜οΈπŸ€β˜˜οΈπŸŒΏ

It is an opportunity to help save our planet and that we should celebrate.

Let me explain- this is the typical ground cover that covers 99.99% of the homes in the United States. It is a mono-crop of turfgrass. Monocrops are not healthy for soil. Mother Nature needs diversity to be healthy. To go against nature, homeowners have to apply chemical inputs to keep their monocrop turf grass looking perfect. These fertilizers, fungicides, herbicides, and pesticides kill all the living matter. They also kill our insects and valuable Keystone species.

In contrast, healthy soil, especially on the coastal prairie, is a sponge for soaking up rainwater and keeping our planet cool. Houston was a coastal prairie covered in native grasses that had massive roots systems. Some extended 18’. The coastal prairie has the capability to absorb massive amounts of moisture/water. They also act as a filter to clean the water and retain water. Water held in healthy soil is how the planet cools itself. Healthy soil also sequesters carbon out of the air and puts it back into the soil. The coastal Prairie plays a large role in the global environment. Houstonians have paved, asphalted, and covered in turf grass 600 square miles that makeup Houston. Reimaging urban landscapes is an opportunity to save our planet. Turfgrass covers more acreage in the US than farmed land. 🀠 this is an easy way to comply with mother nature. I am using ny art to find ways to reimagined urban landscapes to work with mother nature Healthy soil= healthy people. Happy soil day. #cindeeklementart #artactivism #bioart #soilart #art #conservationart #soil #regenerativeart.

”We see nothing of these slow changes in progress, until the hand of time has marked the long lapse of ages”-Darwin

Darwin’s observance is no longer correct, As we continue to expand our cities we have have ramped up the hand of time, we are fast-forwarding and witnessing evolution. This can be good or it can be bad. Millions of species going extinct on our watch is not good; there is a benefit to seeing the effect of our actions. This knowledge is power, join me and decide to change the way we see urban environnents, and act accordingly. We can write our own evolutionary script. We can return to protecting natures .

Reimagining urban landscapes- how plants and animals are evolving in an eye-opener.


World of Hum- a humdinger

Keystones in El Paso50” x 10’watercolor monotype

Keystones in El Paso

50” x 10’

watercolor monotype

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World of Hum and Rumblings experiment

I have often wondered how my monotypes would look with a kinetic showdown piece. This is the first print I have tried with the kinetic sculpture. I think it is worth exploring.

This is a screenshot of a message I received on Instagram In the above post. I am please to make an Apis Dorsata and help spread the word regarding the bee problem in India -Apis Dorsata - ghost #2  watercolor monotype print 30” X44” detail of a 458…

This is a screenshot of a message I received on Instagram In the above post. I am please to make an Apis Dorsata and help spread the word regarding the bee problem in India -

Apis Dorsata - ghost #2 watercolor monotype print 30” X44” detail of a 458 sq.ft work that addresses the plight of native bees worldwide. ”rock bee” its common name is responsible for every third bite of food in India.

Apis Dorsata - Rock bee. 30” X 44” watercolor monotype

Apis Dorsata - Rock bee. 30” X 44” watercolor monotype

Apis Dorsata - Rock bee. Ghost30” X 44” watercolor monotype

Apis Dorsata - Rock bee. Ghost

30” X 44” watercolor monotype

Apis Dorsata - Rock bee. Ghost 230” X 44” watercolor monotype

Apis Dorsata - Rock bee. Ghost 2

30” X 44” watercolor monotype

Rumblings - Xylocopa micans

A male southern carpenter bee- This bee was sleeping on my Salvia the morning of July 4th. The male wild bees do not live in nests. When they emerge they fly out looking for females to breed with. When the females return to their nest to sleep the males curl up to an petal.

Xylocopa micans I

Xylocopa micans I

Xylocopa micans II

Xylocopa micans II

Xylocopa micans II ghost

Xylocopa micans II ghost

Image from my video

Image from my video

Rumblings Monotypes without a printer.

Sometime in 2019 or late 2018 I discovered the USGS photographic library of wild bees. I was overwhelmed at the number of species and their individual beauty. They are jewels of the insect world. These facts combined with the reality that most well educated people believe that there is just one bee species - the honey bee. There are 20,000 species. How a creature who is responsible for our food could be misunderstood to this existent is baffling. Scientist just started realizing the error in their studies last summer. Committing to telling the story of the plight of the most important being on the planet is a worthy story. I have always felt the need to support underdogs.

Below us the artist statement for the project as I incusion it today. Artist statements remain fluid as I work on big projects.

RUMBLINGSA rumbling in the distance is nature's way to alert living creatures to their environment. Rumblings; monumentally draws attention to the 20,000 unknown species of threatened wild solitary bees. The bees that can not bee industrialized.  The watercolor ink carefully manipulated on the fifty interconnected monotypes to reflect the synergistic, aqueous effect of; the unexplored bee species superior magnetic attraction of golden dust, the movement of the anonymous Keystone species dedication to pollinate, and their fragility due to the applied chemicals that flood industrial agriculture. With Rumblings, there is knowledge and knowledge is power; it is a resounding call to all for action. 

The COVID 19 quarantine in March was a huge buzz kill to this series. These are all monotyoes. I use the plexiglass surface to create my water effect that I then press into the paper. I am very attached to this method as the best way to communicate this work for a few reasons. 1. It is a process I created and as far as I know no one else creates monotyoes with this type of mark making., 2. The watery look suggest the use if pesticides that are impacting their extension and lastly the tiny details that make up the bee is suggestive of pollen dust. I have been creating this pieces in MFAH beautiful Glassell studio school printmaking studio. With COVID that us not an option for me.

Since March, I have stitched bees and tried to be open-minded to another process to complete the series. I finally decided to see if I could hand press a 30” X 44” print in my studio.

Here I am applying the ink to the plexiglass. On the wall is a photo of Bombus Dahlbomii, the largest humble bee in the world at 2” long and endangered if it us not already extinct. The photographs are stunning. The photographs are taken if dead bee…

Here I am applying the ink to the plexiglass. On the wall is a photo of Bombus Dahlbomii, the largest humble bee in the world at 2” long and endangered if it us not already extinct. The photographs are stunning. The photographs are taken if dead bees. In ny pieces, I try to put movement and energy back into the buzz pollinator.

Here I have just pressed the plexiglass with the watercolor ink bee image onto the wet paper. And surprise surprise surprise.

Here I have just pressed the plexiglass with the watercolor ink bee image onto the wet paper. And surprise surprise surprise.

Bombus Dahlbomii IVI have made three other attempts to print this monsterous fluffy ginger and not been happy with the results.

Bombus Dahlbomii IV

I have made three other attempts to print this monsterous fluffy ginger and not been happy with the results.

Bombus Dahlbomii IV Ghost.

Bombus Dahlbomii IV Ghost.

The prior attempt are below. Getting a mono-colored fluffy bee with out muddying the ink was tricky.

Bombus Dahlbomii Day I

Bombus Dahlbomii Day I

Bombus Dahlbomii Day I ghost

Bombus Dahlbomii Day I ghost

Bombus Dahlbomii Day II

Bombus Dahlbomii Day II

Bombus Dahlbomii Day II ghost

Bombus Dahlbomii Day II ghost

Bombus Dahlbomii Day III

Bombus Dahlbomii Day III

Bombus Dahlbomii Day I'll ghost

Bombus Dahlbomii Day I'll ghost

I am hoping the Bombus Dahlbomii day IV pieces cut the mustard. I am feeling hopeful and extremely excited that I can create monotypes without a press Is this non-verbal size.

Endangered knowledge: The Soul of Humus #17 Cowbirds

I just read an intesting article; how Cowbirds are hedging their bets when choosing surrogate birds to hatch and raise their young. Another instance that supports the theory that diversity is the ticket when it comes to the survival of a species.

Coincidently I picked up the bronze Cowbirds yesterday. They are ready for me to recreate the texture where they were damaged during the spruing process. Once that is complete I will deal with their patina. I should wait and decide on their finish once the abstract bison is further developed. That said I am excited to see how the materials will look in a polished finish. Below are closeups of each bird - just for the record.

The finishes are very powdery looking and flat because they were just sandblasted. When I decide on the patiba the textures will really show up.

I took a risk when I decided on the manner in which I would create the birds. The Cowbirds are constructed in a primitive manner. And they look extra primitive laying on the faux bois chair. Context impacts the way we see. I feel hopeful the organic and rough construction will work on the abstract beast they will be attached to. Roughly constructed they support the story, polished perfectly detailed birds would not relay their connection to the geography and mammals. I realize I have not taken the safe root and hope I didn’t need to hedge my by as the Cowbirds did theirs.

The big bird side 1

The big bird side 1

Opposite side.On this image you can see a smooth surface from where the sprue was cur off. One spots the I will retexture.

Opposite side.

On this image you can see a smooth surface from where the sprue was cur off. One spots the I will retexture.

From the top

From the top

Bird 2

Bird 2

Bird 3

Bird 3

Derail shot of bird 3 - you can see the seeds and grass stems.

Derail shot of bird 3 - you can see the seeds and grass stems.

Bird 4

Bird 4

As I recall this one gas some bluebonbet seeds in it's back feathers.

As I recall this one gas some bluebonbet seeds in it's back feathers.

Bird 5

Bird 5

Texture gives me good goosebumps.

Texture gives me good goosebumps.

Subterraneous Secret II

Subterraneous Secret is part of my Endangered Knowledge work. For several years, I have been researching grass-fed food production, attending soil conferences, and visiting regenerative ranches. Research in these fields shows how to fight desertification and reverse climate change through regenerative agriculture practices. Interestingly, this natural history of living soil, how it evolved with roots, fungus, plants, food, and animals, carbon and their essential roles within microbial communities in human health, is not common knowledge. 

Subterranean Secrets IIbronze

Subterranean Secrets II


Endangered Knowledge: The Soul of Humus #15

Another day of building the bone structure of the face. The armature is more detailed than the sculpture will be. As I work I remind myself that the armature just needs to support the masses of dried mud and dried grass. It will not be visible under the herbaceous skin. I can’t seem to stop myself. I think it make me feel closer, more connect to the bison.

It also keeps me away from the news- COVID 19.

Today I worked on the lower part of it's cheekbones and then I added a rear jawbone.

Today I worked on the lower part of it's cheekbones and then I added a rear jawbone.

Looking up the mouth and nose of head minus the lower jaw.

Looking up the mouth and nose of head minus the lower jaw.

The old guys face left side

The old guys face left side

Looking through the skull

Looking through the skull

The right profile.

The right profile.

On the Road to Roam

January 19, 2020

We are on the road to Roam, and I am feeling a little concerned. I believe that we as a society are not connected to the raising/producing, culling, and processing of our food. With this disconnect, what is essential has been lost. This not only impacts our health but also our environment (including the bees) that we are borrowing from future generations. It is easy to be judgmental and to point fingers. If I am going to judge our current food production system, I need to experience the process that I believe is a healthy and responsible alternative. I need to be willing not only to talk the talk but walk the walk. Thursday, Curtis, and worked Roam’s Bison Roundup. We were nicknamed the gatekeepers. One female, after careful and thoughtful analysis, was selected to be culled today. This is not going to be easy, but I will be a better human from the experience......... on the road to Roam.

Opening the car door the last thing I hear on the radio is, ”everything is dust in the wind, ” for one second I find comfort in these words.

The ranch Anatolian livestock guard dogs greet us at the ranch entrance.

The ranch Anatolian livestock guard dogs greet us at the ranch entrance.

The herd including the cow to be culled having a relaxing morning grazing on Texas prairie grasses. The cow in question will not be separated from the herd, she will not be stressed and will not feel any pain. This is how you humanely harvest an ani…

The herd including the cow to be culled having a relaxing morning grazing on Texas prairie grasses. The cow in question will not be separated from the herd, she will not be stressed and will not feel any pain. This is how you humanely harvest an animal. This is not how industrial Agriculture harvests meat.

That explained it is a heavy feeling knowing that a life is being sacrificed. Being aware of what is being lost in order to put a high quality protein on the table makes every ounce of meat more valuable. Nothing should be wasted. The experience changes how we value animal protein.

I participated for two reasons; personal growth through awareness and a deeper knowledge for a body of work whose concept I am working on called Giving the Bird.

Endangered Knowledge: Soul of Humus #17

I started the lower jaw today. I spent the majority of the day researching the structure of the lower jaw and its movement as the bison chew.

Here is a collection of my reference material.

Here is a collection of my reference material.

Bison grab a tuft of grass with their tongue, then they pinch it off by pressing it between their tongue and their front lower teeth. They do not have top front teeth. They then swallow it whole. That is the beginning of a 24-hour digestive process.

Bison grab a tuft of grass with their tongue, then they pinch it off by pressing it between their tongue and their front lower teeth. They do not have top front teeth. They then swallow it whole. That is the beginning of a 24-hour digestive process.

I love this image, I took it last January at Roam Ranch right before the roundup. I think this is the one they call Poppy. Poppy is very curious and friendly. She is checking me out as she catches rain drops on her tongue.

I love this image, I took it last January at Roam Ranch right before the roundup. I think this is the one they call Poppy. Poppy is very curious and friendly. She is checking me out as she catches rain drops on her tongue.

You can see the lower jaw through the upper jaw here. It is slightly off to the right of the bison. I want him chewing away and want to exaggerate the movement. I will probably bend it a little more askew this weekend.

You can see the lower jaw through the upper jaw here. It is slightly off to the right of the bison. I want him chewing away and want to exaggerate the movement. I will probably bend it a little more askew this weekend.

Here the chewing lower jaw is more obvious.

Here the chewing lower jaw is more obvious.

View from the rear or top down.

View from the rear or top down.


Friday, I am committing to writing the Lawndale proposal- rewriting and rewriting and rewriting.

Endangered Knowledge: The Soul of Humus #13

View l from the mouth

View l from the mouth

The cheekbones are added.

The cheekbones are added.

Endangered Knowledge: The Soul of Humus #12

My favorite measuring tool when building the armature is a sewing tape measure.
