Talking roots.
How roots talk to each other. My focus is coastal prairie roots, but I expect roots of grass communicate as tree roots communicate. We gave only begun to learn from roots.
36” X 8” X 8”
photo by @nashb Baker
Since the beginning of time, the human spirits' imaginations have been magnetically allured beyond the earth's geomagnetic field, inventing robots, orbiters, landers, and rovers to explore outer space, searching for celestial organisms — fruitlessly.
Secretly between 100 million and 500 billion microbes per teaspoon are living a subterranean life underneath our feet. Living soil is the root of our existence; it is essential to life on Earth. For several years, I have researched grass-fed food production, attended soil conferences, and visited regenerative ranches. (my favorite is @roamranch) Research in these fields reveal how to fight desertification and reverse climate change through regenerative agriculture practices. Interestingly, this natural history of living soil, how it evolved with roots, fungus, plants, food, and animals, carbon and their essential roles within microbial communities in human health, is not common knowledge. Subterraneous Secrets excavates this crucial tool in storing carbon. My work finds new ways to reimagine urban landscapes and records natural history to the collective memory so that it will no longer be endangered knowledge #roamranch #cindeeklementart #bioart #conservationart #environmentalart #root #bronze #bronzesculpture #pesticidefree #texasart #texasartist #houstonart #houstonartist #houstonsculpture #nature #naturalsystems
Subterranous secrets
Once I started researching roots, I was in love. They have many cool features as a group and individually. I have three bronze roots completed and a few more in the works. Many scientific labs study root characteristics for their role in food production. I am interested in these conversations and those that discuss the roots architecture. Under recognized for their amazing features roots bring many values to the table. They are a tool that sequesters carbon, transports water deep into the soil and pumps it up Into the plant. They inhibit erosion and are the heart and vascular system of the planet. And that is just a start.
Subterraneous Secret II
Subterraneous Secret is part of my Endangered Knowledge work. For several years, I have been researching grass-fed food production, attending soil conferences, and visiting regenerative ranches. Research in these fields shows how to fight desertification and reverse climate change through regenerative agriculture practices. Interestingly, this natural history of living soil, how it evolved with roots, fungus, plants, food, and animals, carbon and their essential roles within microbial communities in human health, is not common knowledge.
Subterranean Secrets II
If you are what you eat is true then it stands to reason you are what you read, right?
Here is what I am from the last year.