Rumblings - Xylocopa micans

A male southern carpenter bee- This bee was sleeping on my Salvia the morning of July 4th. The male wild bees do not live in nests. When they emerge they fly out looking for females to breed with. When the females return to their nest to sleep the males curl up to an petal.

Xylocopa micans I

Xylocopa micans I

Xylocopa micans II

Xylocopa micans II

Xylocopa micans II ghost

Xylocopa micans II ghost

Image from my video

Image from my video

Rumblings Monotypes without a printer.

Sometime in 2019 or late 2018 I discovered the USGS photographic library of wild bees. I was overwhelmed at the number of species and their individual beauty. They are jewels of the insect world. These facts combined with the reality that most well educated people believe that there is just one bee species - the honey bee. There are 20,000 species. How a creature who is responsible for our food could be misunderstood to this existent is baffling. Scientist just started realizing the error in their studies last summer. Committing to telling the story of the plight of the most important being on the planet is a worthy story. I have always felt the need to support underdogs.

Below us the artist statement for the project as I incusion it today. Artist statements remain fluid as I work on big projects.

RUMBLINGSA rumbling in the distance is nature's way to alert living creatures to their environment. Rumblings; monumentally draws attention to the 20,000 unknown species of threatened wild solitary bees. The bees that can not bee industrialized.  The watercolor ink carefully manipulated on the fifty interconnected monotypes to reflect the synergistic, aqueous effect of; the unexplored bee species superior magnetic attraction of golden dust, the movement of the anonymous Keystone species dedication to pollinate, and their fragility due to the applied chemicals that flood industrial agriculture. With Rumblings, there is knowledge and knowledge is power; it is a resounding call to all for action. 

The COVID 19 quarantine in March was a huge buzz kill to this series. These are all monotyoes. I use the plexiglass surface to create my water effect that I then press into the paper. I am very attached to this method as the best way to communicate this work for a few reasons. 1. It is a process I created and as far as I know no one else creates monotyoes with this type of mark making., 2. The watery look suggest the use if pesticides that are impacting their extension and lastly the tiny details that make up the bee is suggestive of pollen dust. I have been creating this pieces in MFAH beautiful Glassell studio school printmaking studio. With COVID that us not an option for me.

Since March, I have stitched bees and tried to be open-minded to another process to complete the series. I finally decided to see if I could hand press a 30” X 44” print in my studio.

Here I am applying the ink to the plexiglass. On the wall is a photo of Bombus Dahlbomii, the largest humble bee in the world at 2” long and endangered if it us not already extinct. The photographs are stunning. The photographs are taken if dead bee…

Here I am applying the ink to the plexiglass. On the wall is a photo of Bombus Dahlbomii, the largest humble bee in the world at 2” long and endangered if it us not already extinct. The photographs are stunning. The photographs are taken if dead bees. In ny pieces, I try to put movement and energy back into the buzz pollinator.

Here I have just pressed the plexiglass with the watercolor ink bee image onto the wet paper. And surprise surprise surprise.

Here I have just pressed the plexiglass with the watercolor ink bee image onto the wet paper. And surprise surprise surprise.

Bombus Dahlbomii IVI have made three other attempts to print this monsterous fluffy ginger and not been happy with the results.

Bombus Dahlbomii IV

I have made three other attempts to print this monsterous fluffy ginger and not been happy with the results.

Bombus Dahlbomii IV Ghost.

Bombus Dahlbomii IV Ghost.

The prior attempt are below. Getting a mono-colored fluffy bee with out muddying the ink was tricky.

Bombus Dahlbomii Day I

Bombus Dahlbomii Day I

Bombus Dahlbomii Day I ghost

Bombus Dahlbomii Day I ghost

Bombus Dahlbomii Day II

Bombus Dahlbomii Day II

Bombus Dahlbomii Day II ghost

Bombus Dahlbomii Day II ghost

Bombus Dahlbomii Day III

Bombus Dahlbomii Day III

Bombus Dahlbomii Day I'll ghost

Bombus Dahlbomii Day I'll ghost

I am hoping the Bombus Dahlbomii day IV pieces cut the mustard. I am feeling hopeful and extremely excited that I can create monotypes without a press Is this non-verbal size.

The Shadow of the Texas Rangers- artist statement update

As life happens, the lens we see through shifts. The lens I interpret this work through has adapted to current events. 

As a result, I am updating my artist statement. 

The Shadow of the Texas Rangers - late 1920's, The Texas Rangers in Fabens, Texas (a suburb of El Paso).  During prohibition, the Texas Rangers traveled to the Texas/Mexico border, to deter the smuggling of illegally distilled alcohol. While on the border, they boarded in my grandparent's home; they became family friends.   My reference photo for these drawings of the Rangers hung in my Grandparent’s home. As a child in the 60’s the photo always intrigued me. I was in awe of the well-heeled, respected law officials confidently posed in front of the rugged mountain and their curiously shaped shadows. I wondered why Granny Gene had a photo of the mythical cowboys and their rifles.

My father did not remember much about the Rangers; ironically, he did remember having a house full of thirsty Texas Rangers and accompanying his father to the edge of the Rio Grande River. His father would leave cash under a rock, the next day a bootlegger from Mexico would wade across the river on a mule, retrieve the compensation and place bottles of booze in the hole under the rock. This is when the term ”mule” surfaced. 

The proud history of the Texas Rangers I grew up with has suffered from stories of abuses of power. In the historical photo, the overpowering southwestern sun reveals the dark shadows that tarnish the Rangers’ reputations. 

Looking at this image today, through the experiences of 2020, the focus rests heavily on the dark shadows in law enforcement. Unfortunately, the deplorable actions of a few can ruin the reputation of a group. In this drawing, there is a balance of light and dark. It is important to remember history as it was experienced by the people living at the time but it is also important not to turn a blind eye to the dark side of our history. Finding this balance is where we are in 2020. It is time that we hold law enforcement to higher standards and that they find ways to police their own. 

There is more good than bad. If you look for it, you will find it. The only reliable way to instill change is to lead by example and to recognize and celebrate those who are doing it right. 


Working style philosophy

Range by David Epstein - in my mind is a must-read for any artist, creative writer, inventor, scientist moms or anyone who solves problems.

”Everyone needs habits of mind that dance across disciplines.”
- D. Epstein

“Habits of mind that dance across disciplines-“ - D. Epstein

“Habits of mind that dance across disciplines-“ - D. Epstein

I love that quote; it sums up how I think and supports how I am driven to work. Several times during studio visits with people that are in the art world and that I have tremendous respect for, they advised me that I should focus on one thing, one media to work in, or one subject. It helps in branding. It also allows for intense and thorough investigations in an area. It is a smart way to go. I understand what they are saying. It is a lot easier to market art made out of one media or maybe two different medias. It allows you to be recognized by the work.

If I were 20 years old and created art for financial gain- to eat and pay my rent, I would 100% take the advice. Since I am 63 years old and after years of working long hours (not in a visual field), I now have the luxury of knowing where my next meal is coming. Branding is smart, but it is not what interests me about making art. The creativity, the making of, and the message of are what inspire me. The freedom to be creative and not have to worry about the marketability, durability, or popularity of size, material and color allows me to do work that is important to me, with materials that speak to the issues that keep me up at night or move me. It is a luxury not to have financial pressures. Having this luxury, I feel responsible for using the freedom I am afforded to do work that will help create a better world. It does not mean I can’t have fun with it. I love making and feeling passionate.

I have many interests, and I try to be open to new ideas. I believe creativity comes with exposure to life’s experiences, both good and bad, and life’s failures. I often try to break the rules set out by those who came before me regarding creating, and looking for new ways to find my voice. It comes from the willingness to try new things, ”to grasp further than my reach.” -Browning?

Every new idea I have, I first think if it should be expressed 2D or 3D or both. I have to consider the problems that will arise. I have to look far enough to solve the next problem, but not so far ahead that it is daunting. That is a fine line. Reading Range confirmed my beliefs and uncovered even more justifications for staying focused on my path of diversity. . There are connections in my creative wanderings, they are not as visible as using one media or one subject, but they are there for those that take the time to look and think. Good or bad, this is how I need to create. Maybe someday, but for now, I do not want to shift my mindset. I want to keep expanding my visual and sculptural vocabulary. I want to look for ways to interleave my work, create more mental schemes, broaden my thinking, think outside my experiences.

I am naive enough to hope that one-day, art historians, and or critics will see the connections in my work and maybe be glad I didn’t do one thing. Until then I have to figure out where to keep all this work.

Endangered Knowledge: Soul of Humus #17

I started the lower jaw today. I spent the majority of the day researching the structure of the lower jaw and its movement as the bison chew.

Here is a collection of my reference material.

Here is a collection of my reference material.

Bison grab a tuft of grass with their tongue, then they pinch it off by pressing it between their tongue and their front lower teeth. They do not have top front teeth. They then swallow it whole. That is the beginning of a 24-hour digestive process.

Bison grab a tuft of grass with their tongue, then they pinch it off by pressing it between their tongue and their front lower teeth. They do not have top front teeth. They then swallow it whole. That is the beginning of a 24-hour digestive process.

I love this image, I took it last January at Roam Ranch right before the roundup. I think this is the one they call Poppy. Poppy is very curious and friendly. She is checking me out as she catches rain drops on her tongue.

I love this image, I took it last January at Roam Ranch right before the roundup. I think this is the one they call Poppy. Poppy is very curious and friendly. She is checking me out as she catches rain drops on her tongue.

You can see the lower jaw through the upper jaw here. It is slightly off to the right of the bison. I want him chewing away and want to exaggerate the movement. I will probably bend it a little more askew this weekend.

You can see the lower jaw through the upper jaw here. It is slightly off to the right of the bison. I want him chewing away and want to exaggerate the movement. I will probably bend it a little more askew this weekend.

Here the chewing lower jaw is more obvious.

Here the chewing lower jaw is more obvious.

View from the rear or top down.

View from the rear or top down.


Friday, I am committing to writing the Lawndale proposal- rewriting and rewriting and rewriting.

Endangered Knowledge: The Soul of Humus #14

I am getting close to finishing the head and upper jaw. The next step will be to create the lower jaw, then I will put the head aside and start building up the piece from the hooves.

More work on the cheekbones and connecting the horns to the eyes.

More work on the cheekbones and connecting the horns to the eyes.

Side view of armature

Side view of armature

Bottom side view

Bottom side view

Bison's left side view

Bison's left side view

Back of head looking down

Back of head looking down

Endangered Knowledge: The Soul of Humus #12

My favorite measuring tool when building the armature is a sewing tape measure.


Endangered Knowledge: The Soul of Humus - #11 head

The head is a lot of detail work. Bending small pieces of steel takes time and strength. It is easy to bend large pieces of steel because I can use leverage to bend it. Small parts are too short To get much lecerage. This is the first time in my life strength is an issue., I have not been doing my regular weight lifting due to COVID 19 quarantine. So I have to think of creative ways to make the shapes I need. It takes longer to figure out.

Examining this work I have decided I need to raise the left horn.

Examining this work I have decided I need to raise the left horn.

I have only welded the horn in one location. This will make it easier to correctly position the horn once the head is connected to the body. I can find them if I want, or I can cut the one weld and resend them in the correct position.

I moved the horn and added the front of the upper jaw.

I moved the horn and added the front of the upper jaw.

I added the back of the upper jaw and two pieces to stabilize the head. The stabilizing pieces run through the center of the head, the length of the face to the back If the skull. I used the angle grinder to separate the front and left sides of the …

I added the back of the upper jaw and two pieces to stabilize the head. The stabilizing pieces run through the center of the head, the length of the face to the back If the skull. I used the angle grinder to separate the front and left sides of the front jaw separating the two stabilizing pieces. This will make it easier to make any adjustments in the head structure when it is finished and attached to the body.

The skin and coat of the finished piece is the most crucial part if this piece. This steel armature is purely structural.

Endangered Knowledge: The Soul of Humus - #10 head

I have cut the steel for two sets of horns, the center of the face, top of the scull and part of the nisee. .

I have cut the steel for two sets of horns, the center of the face, top of the scull and part of the nisee. .

Working on the horns

Working on the horns

This bison skull was a Christmas present. From Griffin and Alex my son and daughter in law. They have been unbelievably supportive of my environmental works. They are the best. The skull is proving extremely helpful in figuring out how to build the …

This bison skull was a Christmas present. From Griffin and Alex my son and daughter in law. They have been unbelievably supportive of my environmental works. They are the best. The skull is proving extremely helpful in figuring out how to build the head armature.

Falling through the bee looking glass #1

In the past years, blogging about my art practice was something I did every day. It is how I document my work. Then I started focusing on bees. At first, it was bees and the weed killer Glyphosphate.


The above pieces we're done in response to learning that Glyphosphate does not kill bees but impacts their immune system. With compromised immune systems bees subcome to disease. Glyphosphate is also now well known for causing cancer. I then made a five flip lenticular from these three images.

Tomato cage sculpture material

I ran to Southland hardware to purchase more wire cloth for my installation and spied some tomato cages. Wondering if they could add to my palette of materials I took home a few to play with.

Tomato cages

Tomato cages

Squish, squash, twist, turn, fold, pull, cut repeat

Squish, squash, twist, turn, fold, pull, cut repeat

Throw on a rip of charged screen for garnish

Throw on a rip of charged screen for garnish

Play some more.

Play some more.

I ran out of time today but I feel like it might have some potential.

Bombus and the blueberry

This is a continuation of an earlier post that documented my intuitive process to embrace and abstract the bee that was listed on the endangered species list January 11, 2017.

The posting was titled Embracing Bombus Affinis. Here is one more experiment.

In the experimental piece below I focused on the transparency of the wings.Through the wings you can see the bees hairs on the back of his abdomen. You can also see the flora in the background and through his wings. FYI- a favorite of the Rusty Patch bumble bee is blueberries. Blueberries are one of my favorites too. There is always a box of blueberries in our refrigerator. I hate the thought of my blueberries being pollinated in a lab.

Bombus Affinis VI30” X 44”

Bombus Affinis VI

30” X 44”

I am not sure if showing the transparency is necessary or if it bogs down the energy with too much information.

If you want to help insure our food remains pollinated as nature intended see below-

Limit the use of pesticides and chemical fertilizers whenever possible or avoid them entirely. Pesticides cause lethal and sublethal effects to bees and other pollinators.

The ghost print

The ghost print

Five eyes

Bees have five eyes. They have three small ocelli eyes on the top of their head, they are simple lenses that discern light intensity. They also have two very large compound eyes that contains about 6,900 facets on the sides of their head. I thought the below monoprint of Bombus Affinis (Rusty Patch) bumblebee did a good job of showing the facets.

Bombus Affinis II compound eye detail.

Bombus Affinis II compound eye detail.

Bombus Affinis - looking back and comparing

I ran into the print making room to drop off some new paper. I took the opportunity to see how the last 6 compared to each other and how multiple bees might look together. I will do one more experiment and the plan the grouping.


I am really liking these 6 today. I don’t think they are your typical rendering of a bee. Any thoughts? I am glad I took the time to look at these as a group. They are inspiring me to make several different bees from different views in this same technique and showing them together. I am getting some interesting ideas of how to do it.

i will do one more experiment first.  

Embracing Bombus Affinis

I have decided to make a large monotype of the first bee in the US to be listed on the endangered species list. I was looking online for a photo that would accurately depict the Bombus Affinis. Searching, I came across the USGS site. The United States Geological Survey (USGS) is a science bureau within the US Department of the Interior. The USGS provides science about the natural hazards that threaten lives and livelihoods; the water, energy, minerals, and other natural resources we rely on; the health of our ecosystems and environment; and the impacts of climate and land-use change. It is a great resource. They have developed a Native Bee Inventory and Monitoring Program. Part of the program is to develop identification tools for native bee species. Taking and collecting accurate and detailed photos of the native bees. The over 4,000 images are freely available for the public to use. Looking at these up close detailed photos I was amazed to see how beautiful these tiny beings are. Their beauty rivals that of any creature on the planet. I looked at bees for an hour, in awe at their stunning uniqueness. The opportunity to work from such close up photos is exciting. It will also be challenging, I normally work from bad photos. I like poor quality photos because I don’t want to get bogged down by the details. My work is about the physical or emotional energy. These photos are works of art already. I have in my head what I want my abstraction to look like. I am just not exactly sure I know how I am going to achieve it. Step one is to experiment with my process and technique and develop a mark making that captures the elegance, majesty and energy of these tiny busy beasts.

Below are the first four days of experimenting. It has been a struggle to loosen up and not get bogged down by the details. The last one I like the most, I was just making marks and not worrying about if it resembled Bombus Affinis. That works best for me.

Bombus Affinis I30” X 44” watercolor monotype

Bombus Affinis I

30” X 44” watercolor monotype

Day 1-

When working in color, the ink looks much darker and muted on the plate than when printed on paper. My first impression of Bombus Affinis I was that the paint was too heavy, too bright just  too much all the way around. The ghost was too light. I want my Bombus to express the lightness, fragility and majesty  of the bee. 

Wing detail from Bombus Affinis I

Wing detail from Bombus Affinis I

Bombus Affinis I ghost30” X 44” watercolor monotype

Bombus Affinis I ghost

30” X 44” watercolor monotype

Day 2-

I like the big black brush strokes, the antennae, but I do not like that both wings have the same weight. I want the back wing to be in more motion and fainter. When I look back at the work from day one, I am feeling better about parts of it. I like the wings and the last sections of his abdomen. Below are some close up shots of the parts I like of both days’ experiments.

Bombus Affinis II 30” X 44” watercolor monotype

Bombus Affinis II 30” X 44” watercolor monotype

Day 2 antenna

Day 2 antenna

Day 3 - layering the different processes. I am closer to what I want but I am not there yet.

Bombus Affinis III

Bombus Affinis III

A favorite moment in Bomus Affinis IIIa tail, leg and two wings

A favorite moment in Bomus Affinis III

a tail, leg and two wings

Bombus Affinis III ghost

Bombus Affinis III ghost

Bombus Affinis IV

Bombus Affinis IV

Bombus Affinis V

Bombus Affinis V


Day 4

Below are some moments I especially like. Today anyway.

Finally I am loosening up. I want an image of the bee’s energy - I want the life, movement and energy of a fuzzy pollinator even if he is endangered. I do not want a drawing of a bee.

Top of Head and thorax

Top of Head and thorax

Mauvish/brown/black bee eye and thorax

Mauvish/brown/black bee eye and thorax

The fuzzy tail and two delicate wings

The fuzzy tail and two delicate wings

My work space

My work space

Leftover ink in the trey- Inspiration for a bee wing.

Leftover ink in the trey- Inspiration for a bee wing.

Sewing 🐝 #4 experiment for possible community project.

Sewing 🐝 #4

This piece is a conversation starter. The bee on this cap is the Bombus Affinis or commonly known as the Rusty Patch bumble bee. This bee was listed on the endangered species list in 2017. It is the first U.S. bee to be listed.

Finished piece.

Finished piece.

No planing just winging it. It explains why that antenna is so BIG

No planing just winging it. It explains why that antenna is so BIG

This fuzzy little body needs some wings.

This fuzzy little body needs some wings.

Detail of wing and legs

Detail of wing and legs

I need to delete the giant antennae.

I need to delete the giant antennae.

Copy added

Copy added

Every bee needs some pollen in the air.

Every bee needs some pollen in the air.

After I finished and stood back I was not pleased. It was too busy, too much. Today I took out Impact. It feels better, I will live with it and maybe take out Endangered and the pollen and plant pieces.

After I finished and stood back I was not pleased. It was too busy, too much. Today I took out Impact. It feels better, I will live with it and maybe take out Endangered and the pollen and plant pieces.

Is destitching a word?

Is destitching a word?

Nine things that can help #savethebees

1. Plant a pollinator garden 

2. Pull weeds or better yet go native, as many weeds and wild flowers are food for bees. 

3. Do not use herbicides to kill weeds. Bees live in the ground and neonicotinoids kill microflora in bee guts, making them less tolerant to bee disease. 

4. Find natural ways to combat mosquitos. Many urban beekeepers tell me their hives suffer when city mosquito trucks spray and when their neighbors install mosquito misting systems. 

5. Become an urban beekeeper.  

6. Buy local honey that is not mixed with corn syrup. 

7. Provide a water source. 

8. Buy local organic food. 

9. Spread the word.

Sewing 🐝 #4 experiment for possible community project.

Sewing 🐝 #4

This piece is a conversation starter. The bee on this cap is the Bombus Affinis or commonly known as the Rusty Patch bumble bee. This bee was listed on the endangered species list in 2017. It is the first U.S. bee to be listed.

Finished piece.

Finished piece.

No planing just winging it. It explains why that antenna is so BIG

No planing just winging it. It explains why that antenna is so BIG

This fuzzy little body needs some wings.

This fuzzy little body needs some wings.

Detail of wing and legs

Detail of wing and legs

I need to delete the giant antennae.

I need to delete the giant antennae.

Copy added

Copy added

Every bee needs some pollen in the air.

Every bee needs some pollen in the air.

After I finished and stood back I was not pleased. It was too busy, too much. Today I took out Impact. It feels better, I will live with it and maybe take out Endangered and the pollen and plant pieces.

After I finished and stood back I was not pleased. It was too busy, too much. Today I took out Impact. It feels better, I will live with it and maybe take out Endangered and the pollen and plant pieces.

Is destitching a word?

Is destitching a word?

Nine things that can help #savethebees

1. Plant a pollinator garden 

2. Pull weeds or better yet go native, as many weeds and wild flowers are food for bees. 

3. Do not use herbicides to kill weeds. Bees live in the ground and neonicotinoids kill microflora in bee guts, making them less tolerant to bee disease. 

4. Find natural ways to combat mosquitos. Many urban beekeepers tell me their hives suffer when city mosquito trucks spray and when their neighbors install mosquito misting systems. 

5. Become an urban beekeeper.  

6. Buy local honey that is not mixed with corn syrup. 

7. Provide a water source. 

8. Buy local organic food. 

9. Spread the word.

Technique experiment for endangered bees.

Bee technique experiment

Bombus Affinis - listed on the Endangered list 2017

Bombus Affinis - listed on the Endangered list 2017

Detail of head with a big white eye, thorax antenna and leg

Detail of head with a big white eye, thorax antenna and leg

Th ghost of Bombus Affinis

Th ghost of Bombus Affinis

One is to heavy and ones too light. That is how they look to me wet. It is too soon to judge.