IU - Exploring the Intersection of Art and Humanity To Tackle Climate Change? Insights from Artists Miles and Melanie.

"If you hit a wrong note, it's the next note that you play that determines if it's good or bad." — Miles Davis

In humanity's quest to harmonize natural processes with industrialization and tame the beast of extreme climate, I consider problem-solving approaches from my artistic practice and the artistic world.

As a master of improvisation Davis embraced musical mistakes as valuable chances for growth—an approach we can apply to all aspects of life. How we respond to so-called errors ultimately shapes the final outcome. Humans have the unique ability to transform something "wrong" into something "right."

How does this apply to our environmental issues? Consider that as a species homosapien is a young species. Having thumbs instead of hooves our brains have evolved to create, and invent, to problem solve to make us not mammalian beasts but human.

Mountain Moving
On exhibition in the GRUNWALD GALLERY of ART IU.

The artist Melanie Cooper Pennington teaches Sculpture at Indiana University.

One of homosapien’s greatest inventions is industrialization. We are now clearly seeing and feeling the impact of industrialization on our ecosystems. The most important question humanity has to answer is — will industrialization be a “bad” note?

By adopting Miles’ mindset, we can discover new and innovative ways to address climate change and find harmony between nature and industry. As an eco-artist I consider problem solving perspectives that I use in my creative practice to visualize and transcend conventional thinking to create a better world.

I am engaged in an artist in residency program at Indiana University direct by the Arts and Humanities Department. The university recently launched an Environmental Resilience Institute, as well as a new A&H laboratory dedicated to Environmental Futures. They created a research platform to allow arts and humanities scholars at every level of education—to connect.

My first visit at IU was with Melanie Coooer Pennington. Melanie, creates mammalian sculptures to investigate the borders between the human/animal body and its psychological states. Melanie’s work provides an emotional visual to the power of thumbs by replacing them with hooves. Thumbs changed everything.

I saw Melanie’s Mountain Moving, thought provoking sculpture the day I started writing this post about Miles Davis and his creative process.

I believe through art and culture, we can move the industrial mountains facing humanity — our next note can create a masterpiece.

IU - How does Earth transform energy from leaves to a soil?

It is Labor Day weekend, so I have time to relax and experience the IU campus landscape.

Sample Gates the IU portal to

Natural landscapes on college campuses are rare finds. Dunn’s Woods is a veritable gem of Indiana University’s “Woodland Campus.” The iconic Sample Gates are a portrayal to the cycle of life and rebirth in the urban woods/ college campus.

This rare and sacred space unveils the harmonious dance between sun-kissed leaves, rustling branches, and fertile soil. The emerald foliage, gently illuminated by the celestial glow, gracefully surrenders from sky to earth, transforming into nourishing sustenance for woodland creatures and retaining rains, dew and moisture.

Sun’s energy is transferred to Earth in the shape of sun crisp leaves, the main ingredient of Earth’s soil sponge and the planet’s digestive system.

Peck + Scratch

Peck + Scratch Installation

Eight chickens and two roosters were installed in Symbiosis, April 1, 2023, from 11:00-5:00

 There's more than eggs when it comes to urban chickens. Peck and Scratch is a throwback to when every family had a symbiotic relationship with these quirky feathered friends. It was common knowledge that chickens are miraculous energy transformers; they effortlessly clean up weeds and bugs from living soil while providing families with a more sustainable and cost-effective alternative to chemical pesticides and herbicides. Plus, their waste is invaluable - it replenishes the soil with much-needed nutrients for plants to thrive. In addition, the protein-packed eggs they lay contain all the amino acids necessary for promoting brain health for early childhood development.

By offering a cozy environment, refreshing water, and a lush habitat, we're showing gratitude towards our curious and joyful friends and providing them a safe home away from potential harm. Instead of supporting factory farms, our chickens deserve to thrive in an ecosystem filled with living soil and all the essential components they need to lead happy, healthy lives.

It's time to think outside the (takeout) box and invest in the power of urban chickens.

CARBONsink rises — how to get rid of your turf grass.

“Carbon by the Yard” was a temporary relief in the shape of the Carbon element symbol, “C”. This simple gesture brought attention to the fact that gas lawnmowers emit eleven times the emissions of a new car.

Carbon by The Yard

In 2022, I transformed “Carbon by the Yard” piece into “CARBONsink ” using solarization and regeneration instead of herbicides to transform the turfgrass into biology. I then seeded it with wildflowers. The new piece soaks up rainwater, stores carbon and supports pollinators.

It is important to note that the EPA estimated that non-native turfgrass monocrops use one-third of all public water. In the US, this translates to 9 billion gallons of water daily.

These two social sculptures highlight how our colonial landscape decisions impact our carbon footprints.

CARBONsink 6/8/2023

DIY- check out the steps to install your own CARBONsink.

Soak the ground.

Use the power of water in conducting heat into the plot. Proper hydration will pull heat from the surface deeper into the soil, enhancing the effectiveness of solarization.

Cover the soaked turf with two layers of cardboard. This will smother the turf grass and use the suns energy to solarize it.

Soak the cardboard layer

Layer 4”- 6” leaf mold compost. I use Nature’s Way Resources and Heirlooms.

Spread the compost evenly .

Soak the compost , and level it for sprinkling the seeds.

Sprinkle seeds generously.

The seeds come from Native American Seeds.

Make sure the seeds make good solid contact with the ground. Press them in.

April 2023

June 8,2023

July 29, 2023

Caterpillars impact the entire food chain

The grapeleaf skeletonizer (Harrisina americana) on a Vitis vulpina (with common names frost grape, winter grape, fox grape, and wild grape.)

If you see an abundance of caterpillars on a grape leaves what is your first thought? In recent times the influence of commercials would have us reaching for a pesticide. Today through a systems theory lens I see an important character in a living system.

When plants collaborate-

”Problems cannot be solved with the same mindset that created them” - Albert Einstein

To change my mindset I have to change how I see. For years I have seen through a mechanistic mindset. Observing the growth of Symbiosis these past years has given me a new perspective. When I step back and consider what else might be happening, what can I see if I consider natural systems as opposed to purely industrial systems? A whole new world of thought and possibilities unfolds.

I see that nature is a master collaborator, as proven by the Rudbeckia hirta and Passiflora incarnate duo.

Planted close together, the vine quickly sought support from the stout-stemmed Susan, needy for sun, but lacking the strength to reach it alone. The black eyed Susan, not threatened, seems to welcomed the addition, together they twined and grew - now standing not two but four feet tall. Conventional thought sees the vine as overcoming the flower, but in reality, they are just two plants working together, building a structure that is maximizing photosynthesis and basking in the sun while providing protective habitat small life dwelling in the area.

A lesson for us all - Collaboration can truly conquer all. The fiery skipper seems to agree.

Earth Moves - almost didn’t

Done! My gloves are proof. For weeks, my schedule was jam-packed with proposals and large-scale projects that needed my attention. Amidst all the chaos, I was also starting a brand new sculpture for the Mayor's Office of Cultural Affairs' Earth Day Celebration. I thrive when I can hyper-focus, but this time I almost let something slip through the cracks. "Earth Moves" was in danger of being incomplete by the deadline. With less than a week left to finish, I knew I had no choice but to push myself harder than ever before. I woke up at 5:00 am every day and worked tirelessly until 4:00 pm, without taking a lunch break. I felt every muscle in my arms and shoulders ache, but the feeling of being fully present and working towards something important was truly exhilarating. I couldn't disappoint Necole Irvin and let "Earth Moves" fall short of its potential. After countless hours of welding and crafting, today the sculpture was finally installed on the 3rd floor of the Julia Ideson Library. The end result is a, call for action work of art made from welded steel, lath, indigenous clay, grass, and glass beads. It was a true labor of love that I poured every ounce of myself into. #earthday @lanolalady #mayorsofficeofculturalaffairs #houstonmayor #cindeeklementart #work #gloves #drive

Expecting a grandchild- sunflower

It is a heart warming privilege to craft something from the heart for two special souls my son Griffin and our precious daughter in law Alex both who have deep ties to nature.

Around each giant sunflower bloom lies bountiful tiny creatures and details designed specifically for their new born’s imagination. Being able share my joy as these parents-to-be anticipate the birth of their little one makes me feel truly honored!

"Baby klement’s Ecosystem"

watercolor and pastel monotype

30" X 44"

Field mouse and  American beautyberry

A Field mice enjoying a snack of American beauty berry

Gulf Fritillary caterpillar in the “J” stage of metamorphosis.

Monarch caterpillar, aquatic milkweed, Monarch chrysalis, Purple coneflower, wasp, dragonfly

On a personal note- Griffin and Alex have not picked a name so I think of our future granddaughter as Sunflower.

Cabinet Oak Project- Contemplation from start to finish

Spring of 2022, on Cafe (Call for entry), I saw a call for the Cabinet Oak Project. The call was to donate work to support the restoration of the Texas White House and start an artist residency program.

The call is a good fit for my work. It perfectly connects my past works, Heritage and Gust, with my present eco-art work and social sculpture. LBJ wore the same Stetson Open Road I used in both pieces and I support the mission of the fundraiser. Interestingly, LBJ often wore his Stetson with the brim flipped up. It is an unusual way to wear a hat and reflects his unique personal and political legacy.

After receiving the acceptance and with the stump in my possession, I studied the history leading to Johnson’s presidency, the state of the country, and his presidential legacy. Contemplation is the result of that research.

The rest of this post follows my process of creating Contemplation.


29.5” X 18” X 14”

Bronze, The Cabinet Oak stump, concrete, paint

Contemplation humbly records the imagined solitary moments of Lyndon B. Johnson. The Cabinet Oak stump, carved with deep thoughts, is paired with his hat and cigar, reflecting flaws and imperfections, bringing to life the knowledge, passion, and determination that shaped 'The Great Society.' A reminder that nature can inspire great acts.

My proposal-

My practice is inspired by researching natural systems in Texas'ecological history that build soil health, absorb water and sequester carbon.

My work reimagines urban landscapes, proposing holistic restoration of ecological balance — awakening urban consciousness to our kinship with living systems and restoring what is lost. Through sculpture and activism, my work incorporates time and movement. Adapting these processes, including organic and living materials, I create works to inspire urban land conservation and therefore extend our time on this planet. I believe that widespread environmental change begins with envisioning (and making visible) the wisdom inherent in the natural world.

I envision taking a rotting stump full of wormholes and marked with evidence of the ecosystem the ancient tree limb once supported as representative of our Texas natural history. I willrest on it as a symbolic witness of the many discussions, arguments, and enlightenment under the great oak. This symbol is a well-worn, cast bronze Stetson Open Road hat, often worn by Lyndon B. Johnson. I have worked in cast bronze hats since 2013. Heritage is in the Houston City Collection. In 2020 I completed Gust, which is on my website. I would be honored to be included and willing to donate 100% of my work to this cause. Depending on the wood, I may cast the stump and hat together.

It is hard to pick the perfect stump to reflect the man, his unique policies, ability to get things done and the ecological history.

I picked a stump with a likely spot that LBJ might have rested his hat on under the shade of the big oak tree.

An employee of the LBJ Ranch Park painted the ends of all the stumps white to prevent insects from nesting in them.

They have not heard that we have entered the Anthropocene and insects are significantly declining and need rotting wood for habitat.

The park could consider implementing a program to provide a habitat for insects. It might be an excellent opportunity here.


White paint gone -

When cast in bronze, the new hat will reflect the wear and tear of running a ranch in Texas and the mental stress of running a country in the ’60s. The stump is not what I had hoped it would be. The piece needs more. Knowing many men smoke cigars when they go to their ranches and that President Johnson smoked an occasional cigar, I decided to add detail a precariously placed half smoked on a cigar. It will still need more and there is time to figure it out.

I apply wax to the entire surface so the hat will not absorb the slurry that will build the shell. I use a heat gun to milt of the wax to builds up too much and I shape it to show wear.

The bronze cast cigars and hat are ready for chasing. I cast a few cigars so I would have choices.

Metal chasing done. The bronze was so heavy it made the stump tip over. I cut the opposite side under the stump to balance the bronze. It is missing something……..

How can I bring this sculpture to life while capturing the essence of the man, the political climate, and his bond with nature, while still remaining authentic to my artistic style? He was one of our more accomplished Presidents, passing the first bills that address issues we are still struggling with today. I need more research into his policies. That is the detail I need to make the piece meaningful.

I envision Johnson holding meetings beneath the Old Oak, arriving early to ponder and whittle down his ideas into actionable plans, navigating through the complexities of government. I can almost see him, alone in the shade, puffs of smoke escaping his lips carving his best ideas into the heart of the Oak, contemplating every move.

The wood looks too fresh. In order to give it an aged look I watered down an almost empty can of house paint and washed it over the delicate bark.

Next up the patina.

It took fierce passion to pass bills to combat poverty, rejuvenate the environment, and embrace diversity - all while rekindling civil rights and nurturing the arts. The more I work on this piece, the more I love it.

I love research based art. It was a good fit right?

Symbiosis - Hairy water clover incorporates time and movement

Since the beginning of my artistic journey, I have consistently explored elements of time and movement within both two-dimensional and three-dimensional works. With "Hairy Clover," an element in Symbiosis this exploration takes on another layer of complexity - exploring how the water cycle creates motion that stores carbon, ultimately building the planet's energy.

Marsilea species are an extraordinary group of ferns, displaying a fascinating phenomenon known as nyctinasty - the daily movement of leaf orientation. During daylight hours they reach out to capture sunrays and then at night fold inwards into vertical positions due to pulvinus joints located towards the base of each stalk which adjust based on water flow into motor cells. This adaptation ensures that these plants remain attuned with their environment by regulating transpiration through stomata opening and closing cycles - remarkable!

I have read that this Texas native is endangered in many states. :(

Marsilea vestita, southern water fern

8” X 8”


What cave paintings from 25,000 years ago can teach us about regeneration.

This morning I read Mysterious marks on Ice Age cave art may have been a form of record keeping in science News.

The marks left in a cave 25,000 years ago illustrate the wisdom of early hunter-gatherers. Even then, these people were knowledgeable about their environment and respectful of nature's cycles; understanding that taking too much from one place could lead to decline. Nowadays, we can look back at this example as an invitation for modern civilization to take up sustainable living practices—regenerating our resources instead of simply consuming them without thought or consequence.

I spend a lot of time thinking about the question, how do we mimic regeneration in our cities? We have to ask, What can we learn from Earth’s earliest environmentalists? A lot.

Symbiosis- Goldenrod Winter’s String Section

Goldenrod is more than just a weed- it’s the ethereal string section in natures visual symphony capturing the eye with its undulating dance.

From late summer to early fall, these radiant yellow spikes flourishe in roadside ditches and fields. As winter moves in their color fades to dark shadows against winters gray sky.

The sturdy stalks provide shelter from icy winds so precious birds can rest through cold days ahead as Goldenrods' undulation brings joy throughout all seasons instead!

I'm still struck by goldenrod's graceful dance on even the slightest breeze. It truly is a remarkable sight that gives me much joy throughout all seasons.

Call of The Crane

“When we hear his call we hear no mere bird. We hear the trumpet in the orchestra of evolution. He is the symbol of our untamable past, of that incredible sweep of millennia which underlies and conditions the daily affairs of birds and men.”

– Aldo Leopold on the call of the sandhill crane

During my Christmas day stroll with family and Tobi, I came across a crumbling old stump harboring an exquisite feathered creature. The majestic bird looked to be either a Whooping Crane or Sandhill crane - the two largest birds of North America.

While North America has many struggling ecosystems, it's so important that we remember the stories of hope and recovery too. The Sandhill crane is one such story - once endangered, their numbers have rebounded thanks to determined humans working to save them. Getting to know these creatures better can only inspire more hope for future environmental recoveries. I'm looking forward to learning more about the whooping cranes on my trip south this February with Curtis. If you know any other inspiring stories of environmental recovery please share them with me?

As found on Christmas day with it's natural patina.

In my garage studio after giving the bark a little wash to highlight the movement in the wood.


Symbiosis: Why I am not anti-freeze

Humans naturally mourn the economic and surface loss of colorful flowers and green plants from a freeze. It is easy to become wrapped up in the superficial aspects. With systems thinking central to my eco-art practice, I wonder if there is an ecological purpose for a freeze. It has been a month since the freeze giving me time to watch and wonder. I have looked beyond the skin-deep perspective and discovered something beautiful about how a freeze gives life.

A week after the freeze, the same space is transformed into the earth tones of a 1980’s residential den.

This freeze occurred at the end of the second year since the Symbiosis installation. It was my first freeze with native plants and opened a floodgate of realizations and thoughts about freezes.

A freeze in the tropics looks and acts differently than in the northern US, but how are freezes in the tropics different than those in the Northern states? How does slimy organic matter from a freeze in the tropics impact its soil complexity? A freeze in a coastal prairie garden that has shade from a two-story building is not like a freeze in a sunny open field. Is there a relationship between the freeze and the drought, is there a relationship between seasons? For the past month, these are the questions I have taken with me when I visit Symbiosis and research on line.

What initially appears to be a destructive event can be the seed necessary for regrowth. Prairie plants are particularly delicate in these intense freezes as frozen water expands and rips apart cell walls, destroying their armature. When the thaw period eventually comes, and the water drains away, all that remains is a slimy puddle of cell slime.

A small corner of Symbiosis before the December 2022 freeze.

These slimy puddles and decaying plants quickly milt into the soil, building its complexity and enabling it to store carbon, cooling the planet and soaking up water. When it breaks down, it provides food for microorganisms in the soil. A freeze is a quick and intense way to quickly build a large amount of living soil in the subtropics. This is a refreshing reminder of how our actions have real-world impacts. I am leaving the dead organic material to break down naturally. I am mindful of the inherent beauty of all seasons, all colors of ground cover, and the event's natural power and energy potential. Understanding and honoring freezes can improve Earth’s health for future generations. It is the fastest, most economical way to build a large quantity of soil. When it comes to soil carbon as an asset, a freeze is an economic plus.

I am not anti-freeze - instead, I'm pro-freeze!

Almost two weeks after the freeze and the new growth is noticeable. . The dried plants are crumbling into soil.

I still have unanswered questions and I am hopeful they will reveal themselves through Symbiosis. Until them I walk the garden every day in complete amazement the new growth rise through the decaying material as it melts in the armature of the soil.

Camouflage, fire ants and anole

When maintaining “Symbiosis” and when I observe urban landscapes, I see the beauty in decaying plants and the tiny creatures they protect. This brown anole is a garden beneficial, keeping fire ants and other insects in check. Without camouflage, they are prey for birds, snakes, and some spiders. As an artist I find beauty through systems thinking and a balanced ecosystem.

Can you find him/her mimicking a dried, twisted leaf?

Cuenod Wedding gift -day #1

Today I started an important family piece—a wedding gift for my daughter Sage and son-in-law Cameron who married during Covid. I have not welded since finishing the bison piece June- October of 2021. Sumner welding without AC was brutal. As a result starting this piece is long over due. I wanted to work on it and enjoy the process.

Below is the first day of planning, cutting, grinding and welding.

I plan as I go. Today I am building the basic armature. In the end it will be gnarly and twisted full of worm holes..

The seat structure is inspired by the joining of two strong personalities that merge and then support each other.

Playing with the pieces and thinking about Sage and Cameron I decided to have two seating areas- think tete a tete. I am picturing the front seat for sitting and the smaller back seat for a small child to stand on and hug their parents necks. The French history is fitting the Curnod family history. I think it will be great for future family pictures.

I am giving the bench a lower seating height making it climbable for small children.

Six legs should be stable enough.

Without air conditioning December welding gets my vote.

Golden-reined Digger Wasp - fascinating and gentle despite its sinister appearance.

This is one interesting creature, so interesting I pasted the article below.

Despite its vivid alarm coloration, the Great Golden Digger Wasp is not an aggressive species of wasp. They tend to mind their own business and can be found sipping on flower nectar during the summer, but in the early spring, females prepare to lay eggs.

Females will dig into loose soil and create many deep tunnels. When established, she then covers them to hide their existence. A female will track a small insect and sting them to paralyze them, but not to kill them. Once the prey is immobile, she will clutch it using her antennae and mandible (mouth parts) in order to fly it back to the tunnels. While in flight with her prey, it is not uncommon to see birds like robins or tanagers attempt to steal her meal from her by chasing her until she drops it. No other known species of Digger Wasp is known to be harassed by birds in this way. If the female is successful in returning to her tunnels with her catch, she will place the paralyzed prey aside to quickly inspect a tunnel. If it looks like it's still intact, she will pull the paralyzed insect, head first, down into it. She then lays an egg on the insect, exits the tunnel, and covers it over again. She repeats this process for each tunnel. Unlike other wasps, she does not actively defend her nest. Once hatched, the wasp larvae will feed on the living, yet immobile, insect until they are developed enough to leave the tunnel lair in the summer. Eventually, the parasitism of the paralyzed insect kills it.

Scientists are studying the behavior of this unique species. Great Golden Digger Wasps seem to display a type of internal programming. If their insect prey is moved away from the tunnel while the female inspects it, she will emerge, relocate it, bring it back to the tunnel entrance and start the inspection all over again. Every female exhibited the same repetitive 'start inspection again' behavior when tested in that way.

Females have also shown that they do not keep a tally of how many insects they catch versus how many tunnels they create. If some meals are stolen by birds, they do not realize that they are short on insects compared to tunnels.

With such gorgeous orange and black coloration, mild demeanor, and interesting behaviors, the Great Golden Digger Wasp is one to admire, not destroy. Perhaps a careful observer will discover even more fascinating things about this species.

Planet Popsicles — and spam

I received a spam email this summer with a bold photo of a popsicle asking, “How do you cool off in the heat of the summer?” I immediately thought about how the planet cools off. That spam email inspired these ephemeral sculptures, I used the materials mother nature uses to cool the planet.


6” X 1” X 12” ephemeral

Sticks, H20, Passionflower, Fall obedient plant, and American Beautyberry


6” X 6” X 24” ephemeral

Sticks, H20, Passionflower, Fall obedient plant, and American Beautyberry, Beatles, Pokeweed, Scarbs, Golden Rod, passed butterflies, and passed moths