Symbiosis - Living environment affects the microbiota and health of both dogs and their owners

Every morning I start my day reading an email from I read the environmental and health-related research news, scanning for articles that relate to my environmental/conservation sculptures and monoprints. The article Living environment affects the microbiota and health of both dogs and their owners Is an exciting read for me. My World of Hum kinetic sculpture was inspired by the impact pesticides have on native bee microflora and one aspect of my current work in progress Symbiosis at Lawndale addresses soil microbes in the sculpture garden.

Visitors are relaxing in the garden during a performance piece at the fall opening event.

Visitors are relaxing in the garden during a performance piece at the fall opening event.

Dogs are a large part of urban living and, surprisingly, at Lawndale Art Center. Every other day I stop by Lawndale to study the garden, looking for any changes in the soil, leaves, vines, pond water, and look and listen for any wildlife. Often I run into neighbors of Lawndale with small dogs that visit the garden. Stephanie, her four-year-old daughter, and King Charles Spaniel also spend time together enjoying the outdoors in the garden. Sometimes on Sundays, I bring my labrador Tobi with me. It is hard to judge the impact of urban landscapes on those who visit these green spaces with their pets. Living soil unquestionably has an impact on our microbiomes and our pets as well as supports urban wildlife. One of the most interesting books on the subject of our microbiome is I Contain Multitudes by Ed Yong. Dogs


Basically everything we do impacts our microbiomes. In order to build a healthy immune system a key element in any environment is diversity. My sculpture Symbiosis will be have a positive affect on the microbiota and health of both dogs and their owners who spend time in the garden.

Symbiosis- fluffy bluestem

Through art, I am finding new ways to see Houston’s urban landscapes. The bushy bluestem is a coastal prairie native and a volunteer at Lawndale art center, the location of my 2021 site-specific sculpture installation.

For creating movement and living soil, bushy bluestem is a fabulous material to consider. At this point, I do not know if it will make the cut of materials for the sculpture; however, it does have some attractive characteristics as a material for living soil, and aesthetically I think it is beautiful. The spikelets of silky feathers curl out of a sphere of fine hairs. It is tall and graceful, peering five feet off the ground. In my mind, I can see a cluster of them suited in costumes of golden cotton candy swaying across the stage of coastal prairie under the spotlight of our earth's closest star. Their rhythm succumbs to the breeze that sweeps off the coast. They create the perfect; kitchen of seeds for birds and small mammals, cozy nesting materials for birds, winter food for prairie chickens, field sparrows, and juncos. I can hear a symphony of songbirds serenading the morning as butterflies flit, and flingle and native bees start their day. With close inspection and a little luck, you may even discover a Skipper or Satyr larvae starting a new life amongst their stems. #symbiosis #cindeeklementart #livingsoil #sitespecificart #texasart #bushybluestem #houstonart #texassculpture #contemporaryart #nativebees #bees #wildlife #livingsoil

Changing how we see urban landscapes in Houston.

Changing how we see urban landscapes in Houston.


I felt like Sally Fields

I feel like Sally Fields at the end of her A Awards acceptance speech- anyone my ages remembers how funny that was. I always think of Sall F. When I think of being grateful when I get any positive feed back for my art.

This has to be my most liked Instagram post. That should tell me something. I guess I will be officially finding a way to combine Rumblings and the World of Hum. πŸ€”πŸ€ πŸ



”Root To Water” 24” X 12” X 12” irrigation wheel and root found objects.

β€œHow fleeting are the wishes and efforts of man! how short his time! and consequently how poor will his products be, compared with those accumulated by Nature during whole geological periods.” 

​​​—Charles Darwin, Origin of the Species 


Root to Water offers hope. The root, placed with the root system up, takes on anthropomorphic characteristics, as the wide spread irrigation wheel’s legs are firmly grounded, the humanized root’s bent over posture and downward pointing arm are alive with discovery, the root’s hair like tendrils are actively rewiring its human anthropomorphic brain. This rewiring is happening across the globe, in the most desolate of landscapes citizen conservationists are studying natural law and finding solutions to their man-made problems.


In Root to Water, the irrigation wheel symbolizes mechanistic systems. The root in its natural state represents ecological systems. With this duo, I propose that modern civilization has reached an advanced stage of industrialization. In order to progress to the next stage of civilization we must heed Darwin’s observation, and answer the question how do we pair mechanical innovation with the systems that have functioned through β€œwhole geological periods.” I placed the root above the wheel supporting Darwin’s view of natural systems superiority to human innovation.


Repurposing two tools from agronomy, Root to Water shifts how we see mechanical systems versus naturally occurring systems. In this sculpture, a modern innovationβ€”a rusting, decorative, human-made irrigation wheelβ€”serves as a pedestal for an organic found object that often goes unseen: a root system. With this pairing, I exhibit man’s historical struggle to transition to an agricultural-based society utilizing human-made innovations that extract natural resources instead of harnessing existing ecological systems that regenerate resources.


Communities across the planet are experiencing extreme cases of natural disasters. Houston has experienced three 500-year floods in three years. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers completed the Buffalo Bayou and Tributaries Resiliency Study, proposing options for controlling flood waters costing up to $12 billion. The report does not include conveyance options that are local nature-based cost effective solutions.


A growing number of conservationists are using natural systems, specifically roots, as a tool for water transportation, carbon sequestration and as a means to cool the planet. Meanwhile, industrial agricultural produces products that are depleting the organic matter, releasing carbon from the soil, and contributing to global warming. As evidence consider, β€œEach 1 percent increase in soil organic matter helps soil hold 20,000 gallons more water per acre.”  In contrast, industrial methods strip the soil (releasing carbon), use petroleum-based inputs to enrich the soil and kill pests. Root to Water elevates roots as a natural system that transports water, minerals and carbon; stabilizes soil; and is instrumental in cooling Earth’s surfaceβ€”a live-able solution for global warming.


My research-based art looks at the natural history of living soil and how it can be used to restore natural resources that is not commonly understood. I champion natural solutions to environmental issues with a focus on urban landscapes. Root to Water is part of my Endangered Knowledge work, a body of work in progress.


β€œThough the problems of the world are increasingly complex, the solutions remain embarrassingly simple.” 

​​​​​​​​​​​—Bill Mollison



Further Reading

-Judith D. Schwartz, The Reindeer ChroniclesWater in Plain Site, and Cows Will Save the Planet

-Kiss the Ground, Directed by Joshua and Rebecca Tickell, with WoodyHarrelson

-Organic Matter Can Improve Your Soil's Water Holding Capacity

-The Loess Plateau was the, most highly erodible soil on earth”


Talking roots.

How roots talk to each other. My focus is coastal prairie roots, but I expect roots of grass communicate as tree roots communicate. We gave only begun to learn from roots.



36” X 8” X 8”


photo by @nashb Baker

Since the beginning of time, the human spirits' imaginations have been magnetically allured beyond the earth's geomagnetic field, inventing robots, orbiters, landers, and rovers to explore outer space, searching for celestial organisms β€” fruitlessly.

Secretly between 100 million and 500 billion microbes per teaspoon are living a subterranean life underneath our feet. Living soil is the root of our existence; it is essential to life on Earth. For several years, I have researched grass-fed food production, attended soil conferences, and visited regenerative ranches. (my favorite is @roamranch) Research in these fields reveal how to fight desertification and reverse climate change through regenerative agriculture practices. Interestingly, this natural history of living soil, how it evolved with roots, fungus, plants, food, and animals, carbon and their essential roles within microbial communities in human health, is not common knowledge. Subterraneous Secrets excavates this crucial tool in storing carbon. My work finds new ways to reimagine urban landscapes and records natural history to the collective memory so that it will no longer be endangered knowledge #roamranch #cindeeklementart #bioart #conservationart #environmentalart #root #bronze #bronzesculpture #pesticidefree #texasart #texasartist #houstonart #houstonartist #houstonsculpture #nature #naturalsystems

Armadillos and termites

Termites - to quote @gjklement,” termites are the ultimate grazers” last week, after we harvested our turkeys @roamranch, we went on a hike along the pastures to Indian Cave Creek. Along the way, we saw an abundance of armadillos eating termites. This trip was my 6th trip to the ranch and the first time to see any armadillos on the property, much less numerous armadillos or notice any termites. It is a sign the soil is regenerating - it is a good thing. Armadillos play an essential role in the Texas landscape both in agricultural settings and in urban population centers. They eat Termites keeping them in check. The termites are essential in building functioning ecosystems. As an art activist, I want to change the way we see nature. #regenerativeagriculture #regenerativeart #cindeeklementart #bioart #cobservationart #artactivist #texasartist #houstonartist #womansculptor #art #sculpture

Why Houston is in the perfect position to save the bee

Rural areas are highly impacted by the unanticipated consequences of our industrial agriculture’s dependence on chemicals that weaken bee’s immune systems. Urban bee populations can be more diverse than in rural areas. Researchers are finding in cities such as Chicago, Berlin, Berkley, and Melbourne that have reimagined their parks, neighborhoods, city centers, vacant lots, street medians, and rooftops planted with native flowers, grasses, and fruit, and vegetables support healthy, vibrant wild native bee populations.

In the US, there are four thousand native bee species. They pollinate over three hundred times more effectively than honey bees. For example, A single female Leafcutter Bee visits 100,000 plus blossoms per day whereas a honey bee visits 50-1000.

Unlike the honey bee, Native bees do not swarm, are not aggressive. Native bees are perfect for urban population centers.

Houston covers 600 square miles of land and has one of the longest growing seasons in the U.S. As it continues to sprawl across Texas, its gardens must increasingly become a refuge for native plants and animals. With 2.3 million people living in the most vital economic, cultural center of the south, we can become the most critical urban native bee habitat in the United States.

I have spent the last year and a half studying the bee situation as it pertains to my art and my interest in regenerative agriculture. I am determined to take this knowledge and save the bee in urban settings.

With Houston's land size, population, and location in the Sunbelt like it or not-we are impacting the bee population.


If Cuba can create urban gardens to feed its poor can you imagine what we can do

Minnesota Will Pay Homeowners to Replace Lawns with Bee-Friendly Wildflowers, Clover and Native Grasses.

Prairies absorbing water

The loss of biodiversity reduces the capacity of ecosystems to provide the multiple services on which humans depend.

Why flowering meadows are better than lawns

Urban soil health: A city-wide survey of chemical and biological properties of urban agriculture soils


Symbiosis building soil life.

How do you build soil health without having the luxury of animal impact. It is one thing to build soil health on a bison farm. The microbes in the the the bison, turkey, pig and chicken dung builds the life in the soil. In the sculpture garden at Lawndale I am going to use LEAF MOLD COMPOST. This product is produced primarily from recycled leaves, with a little grass and horse manure mixed in, a touch of fruits and vegetables. After a long slow compost it will be rich in beneficial microbes. It will help save water and promote healthy soil. I was going to wait until early spring before we replanted the garden. However, Sunday Lawndale is having it's Sunday brunch fund raiser. And this is in the day if Covid 19 so the event is outside. I noticed that the heavy rains of late have compacted several areas in the beds and washed away some soil. It will be an opportunity to to talk about living soil,

I spent time researching different types of compost and mulch. Natures Way Resources compost native plants, is locally owned and located in the Houston area. The owner is a soil scientist. I had a long conversation with him today and he really knows living soil. I can't wait to see life return to the garden.

Here you can see how the soil is wearing away without having plants/roots hold it down. You can also see how the rain hitting it had compacted the ground. When the soil becomes compacted it stops absorbing water. .

Here you can see how the soil is wearing away without having plants/roots hold it down. You can also see how the rain hitting it had compacted the ground. When the soil becomes compacted it stops absorbing water. .

The goods

The goods

The tools

The tools


A prairie rising

Armand Bayou Nature Center

Prairie Rising:

The Armand Vayou Nature Center is a great example of the ecology and restoration of a local coastal tall grass prairie. It is great to see Texans committed to preserving natural systems. With the social unrest, a universal pandemic crippling our economies I can’t help but think about what we can learn from biological systems; the importance of species diversity, the importance of healthy bacteria, the importance of whole organic foods, the importance if finding a balance between humans and wildlife in all spaces including urban population centers. What that looks like is the focus of ny 2021 work.

After seeing the above article I was sitting at a stop light when I noticed this grass preserving in a sea of asphalt. Nature is amazing and will always win. Our challenge as humans is to learn how to live with it, preserve and respect it. In the en…

After seeing the above article I was sitting at a stop light when I noticed this grass preserving in a sea of asphalt. Nature is amazing and will always win. Our challenge as humans is to learn how to live with it, preserve and respect it. In the end nature will always win. We can incorporate the coastal prairie landscape into Houston’s urban landscape.

Happy Soil Day.


Happy National Soil Day. Notice the length of the root system of this turf grass-just a few inches. πŸ‘Ž


The image I posted is not soil to be celebrated.It is what I call mindless conformity 🀨AND - now for the good news- πŸŒ±β˜˜οΈπŸ€β˜˜οΈπŸŒΏ

It is an opportunity to help save our planet and that we should celebrate.

Let me explain- this is the typical ground cover that covers 99.99% of the homes in the United States. It is a mono-crop of turfgrass. Monocrops are not healthy for soil. Mother Nature needs diversity to be healthy. To go against nature, homeowners have to apply chemical inputs to keep their monocrop turf grass looking perfect. These fertilizers, fungicides, herbicides, and pesticides kill all the living matter. They also kill our insects and valuable Keystone species.

In contrast, healthy soil, especially on the coastal prairie, is a sponge for soaking up rainwater and keeping our planet cool. Houston was a coastal prairie covered in native grasses that had massive roots systems. Some extended 18’. The coastal prairie has the capability to absorb massive amounts of moisture/water. They also act as a filter to clean the water and retain water. Water held in healthy soil is how the planet cools itself. Healthy soil also sequesters carbon out of the air and puts it back into the soil. The coastal Prairie plays a large role in the global environment. Houstonians have paved, asphalted, and covered in turf grass 600 square miles that makeup Houston. Reimaging urban landscapes is an opportunity to save our planet. Turfgrass covers more acreage in the US than farmed land. 🀠 this is an easy way to comply with mother nature. I am using ny art to find ways to reimagined urban landscapes to work with mother nature Healthy soil= healthy people. Happy soil day. #cindeeklementart #artactivism #bioart #soilart #art #conservationart #soil #regenerativeart.

Army Corps of Engineers study

The Army Corps of Engineers study to reduce flooding risk does not consider utilizing any nature-based solutions. Here is a fascinating discussion of nature-based solutions that will not cost $1 -$12 billion.

β€œHow fleeting are the wishes and efforts of man! How short his time! and consequently how poor will his products be, compared with those accumulated by Nature during whole geological periods.” 

                                                      β€”Charles Darwin, Origin of the Species


I was already working on this piece and the artist/activist/conservationist statement that it visually supports. I am excited to get it photographed and out to the public. There is no question that Charles Darwin had it right. Before we spend $12 billion and wreck the Katy Prairie and Buffalo Bayou let’s review a study by bioengineeers.

”We see nothing of these slow changes in progress, until the hand of time has marked the long lapse of ages”-Darwin

Darwin’s observance is no longer correct, As we continue to expand our cities we have have ramped up the hand of time, we are fast-forwarding and witnessing evolution. This can be good or it can be bad. Millions of species going extinct on our watch is not good; there is a benefit to seeing the effect of our actions. This knowledge is power, join me and decide to change the way we see urban environnents, and act accordingly. We can write our own evolutionary script. We can return to protecting natures .

Reimagining urban landscapes- how plants and animals are evolving in an eye-opener.


World of Hum- a humdinger

Keystones in El Paso50” x 10’watercolor monotype

Keystones in El Paso

50” x 10’

watercolor monotype

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Another conservation benefit from COVID 19 - Sea Turtle numbers are up during 2020

It is amazing how naturere can reguvinate itself when humans step back. We should ask our selves what does this tell us? How can we benefit from this observation?

Sea turtles in Florida

Green turtle nests:

  • 2020: 8,110 (unexpectedly high for a "low year")

  • 2019: 15,784 (record, "high year")

  • 2018: 1,230 (typical "low year")

Loggerhead nests:

  • 2020: 12,968

  • 2019: 10,813

  • 2018: 11,901

Leatherback nests:

  • 2020: 40

  • 2019: 36

  • 2018: 17

These watercolor monotypes are the pieces I discovered my technique on.Fragility study 30” X 22”

These watercolor monotypes are the pieces I discovered my technique on.

Fragility study 30” X 22”

Here I experimented with how wet my paper was. I love the running color on this particular piece. It would not work for everything.

Here I experimented with how wet my paper was. I love the running color on this particular piece. It would not work for everything.

Fragility- Kaleidoscope2017Watercolor monotype30” X 22”

Fragility- Kaleidoscope


Watercolor monotype

30” X 22”

Lawndale Art Center β€” Symbiosis environmental art activism project announced

Lawndale Art Center a staple on my radar as a possible venue for an environmental art exhibition. The sculpture garden, primed to be relandscaped in a manner that could communicate any number of environmental issues in my head.

The Lawndale Art Center Sculpture garden before the 2019 re-landscape.

The Lawndale Art Center Sculpture garden before the 2019 re-landscape.

I have had a few casual discussions with Stephanie about these ideas in the past, however other opportunities came my way, and frankly, I dropped the ball.

During the first COVID 19 quarantine, Lawndale Art Center reached out to me regarding their sculpture garden. They were interested to know if I would assist them with some weeding in their newly landscaped sculpture garden, I often volunteer there. When I heard the words, β€œnewly landscaped sculpture garden,” my heart fell to the ground. I had blown it, I missed the best art venue opportunity to create a piece that looks at urban landscape as a found object. I was crushed, disappointed and angry at myself. I decided to focus on my Endangered Knowledge: The Soul of Humus, a piece I am creating for Sculpture Month Houston. In turning Lawndale down I sent them a copy of the proposal I made to SMH. A few days later I remember thinking to myself, β€œwell you blew that opportunity, you will never get a show at Lawndale now.” A few weeks after thatβ€” they called me back and asked me to meet them at the sculpture garden. Masked I met with Stephanie and Emily and they asked me to do a site-specific environmental piece in the newly relandscaped garden. It was the last thing I expectedβ€”A dream come true was not in my mind of possible COVID19 realities. We also discussed their need for some happiness in the garden. The garden does not have any beneficials planted. Sympathetic to their need for some visual happiness I offered to plant a few flowers.

By this time it is unbearableβ€”Houstonβ€”Julyβ€”Hot.

What can you plant in July and have it not fry, if anything? I am not an experienced gardener I am an artist/activist and a citizen environmentalistβ€”but my friend and past President of the Harris County Master Gardeners, artist, and curator is a very knowledgable gardener. A super busy Renassaince man, Will Isbell kindly offered to meet me on a Friday evening at the garden to see if there was anything I could plant that would not die in this July heat. There was not, but we did have a great talk.

We both saw the existing garden in the same way a missed opportunity for an environmental artist. And then it hit me. I suggested that I propose to Lawndale that the two of us do a project that takes the existing new traditional landscaped garden and use it as a found object to create a piece to activate change in Houston’s landscape. Will did not hesitate.

The question was how do I get them on board. They have already spent good money and the garden by any standards is beautifully done. One thing everyone knows about Lawndale, it is an art space for the voices of artists breaking boundaries and unearthing contemporary knowledge, nothing is too daring for Lawndale. They are the space in Houston to open minds. They were encouraging and interested in this new idea and wanted me to continue working on a concept for a solo environmental piece as well the piece with Will.

I am still num with these two opportunities and excited with the potential to instill hope and heal the environment.

Lawndale announced the project Will and I are doing together last week. Below is the proposal for the work. I wrote it in early July, as I read the opening paragraph today, with California on fire, and Houston flooding again I am taken back by how much the world has changed since I wrote it.β€” and not in a good way.

Lawndale Sculpture Garden Proposal

Cindee Travis Klement and William Isbell

What is to be gained in the year 2020, the year of perfect vision? In our largest cities, a tiny virus is killing our most vulnerable, crippling our strongest economies, forcing our families into food lines, and providing kindling for social reform protests. In the natural world tucked within our largest cities, this same tiny virus has improved the air that we breathe, returned fireflies to our summer nights, and allowed wildlife to inhabit our neighborhoods. The connection between the land, plants, mankind, and wildlife in urban environments has never been more evident.

What is to be gained in the COVID 19 moment of enlightenment: our eyes have opened to the state of our living systems, and we have discovered that unimaginable change is possible. We have seen that we cannot wait for the tests to tell us if we are sick. Without design, we have found an unprecedented moment, we have gained an opportunity to change.


As visual artists and art activists, we will connect soil health and the health of our city. We will create a living piece of site-specific art activism that will reimagine the urban landscape and answer the question β€” how do we holistically restore an ecological balance that can coexist in Houston with nature/ wildlife through sculpture and community involvement. We see the Mary E. Bawden Sculpture Garden's terrain with its manicured, status quo landscape as our found object. With ordinary tools, organic matter, with the help of the community, we will sculpt it into the armor that historically protected Houston’s geological epidermis and gave life to its keystone species β€” the Coastal Prairie ecosystem. The title of this found object sculpture is Symbiosis. Over time Symbiosis we will morph into not only a landscape but also a soundscape that changes kinetically with the seasons.

Lawndale’s Mary E. Bawden Sculpture Garden’s Symbiosis will be a catalyst for change. In addition, it will be functional as a contemporary art exhibition space, a piece of functional activist art as well as a healthy ecosystem/habitat: a sculpture garden that heals and honors the history of the land.

Physical Description of Piece

Once the parameters of the project more are specifically defined we will insert the specific plants, their ecological roll in the

design and define the work.

Environmental Impact

Soil scientists around the globe agree that solutions to global warming, soil erosion, water runoff, drought/flooding, loss of wildlife habitats, and species extinction are rooted in the treatment of our soil β€” the skin that covers our planet, which includes our residential and small business landscapes.

Restoring the native prairie vegetation increases soil absorption of water and slows floodwaters on land, decreasing water runoff. For every 1% increase per acre of biological organic material, the soil can hold an additional 20,000 gallons of water. Given Houston’s extreme building practices and concrete hardscaping, reimagining the landscapes within Houston's 600 square miles of real estate can significantly impact the region's flooding. In addition, the roots of vegetation in a coastal prairie can extend from eight to fourteen feet deep; these roots sequester and store carbon like an upside-down rainforest, cleaning our air.

Value of Location

Change can happen at lightning speed when innovation is coupled with imitation.

The current state of Lawndale's sculpture garden provides the perfect opportunity to break the mindless conformity that dominates Houston's urban gardens/yards. The sculpture garden has the feel of a perfectly manicured, traditional front yard, making its size and plant selections relatable to the general public.

With the Houston Arboretum transformations, Katy Prairie Conservancy, Buffalo Bayou, and the new Memorial Park renovation, Houstonians have awakened to the importance of native Coastal Prairie landscaping; however, those sites are enormous tracts of land. It isn't easy to visualize those landscapes outside the parks. This permanent and living metamorphosis of Lawndale’s Symbiosis will provide the 2020 vision of transformation by imitation for yards throughout Houston. It will shift mindsets by prompting Houstonians to question Houston’s urban landscaping and imagine a holistic Houston that protects the environment by balancing human, natural and economic systems.

Value for Lawndale Art Center

An art institution that looks at its community holistically to include not just a monoculture of humans but also beneficial plants, animals, and micro-organisms will be groundbreaking. Symbiosis will cultivate a medley of life that historically has defined the place, has impacted its economy and attracted its people. Lawndale’s Symbiosis will leverage this endangered knowledge with a living site-specific art installation that provides the artistic vision that changes hearts and minds. It will connect the history of the land to contemporary art. Using additive and subtractive sculpting techniques and nature the Symbiosis of the Mary E. Bawden sculpture garden will become a living love letter from our past to our future.

Ecological impact of Houston

With 2.3 million people living on a footprint of 600 square miles, close to the Gulf of Mexico, located along the migratory bird pathway, Houston is an urban wildlife sanctuary.
Changing Houston's ecology will profoundly impact our oceans, human life, wildlife, and microbial environmental health. Let’s not miss this unprecedented opportunity and heal the skin of the planet and our people.

Installation Process

The beauty of this piece is to have it be a catalyst for inspiring homeowners and businesses to imitate the change and heal their landscapes too. We will Involve the community to take on an active role in the transformation. Installation of the piece will engage and educate the community in ways to be defined after specifics of the piece are worked out.

Lawndale after one of our early Symbiosis meetings.

Lawndale after one of our early Symbiosis meetings.

Beautiful new fence and Jasmine and crepe Myrtles.

Beautiful new fence and Jasmine and crepe Myrtles.

Olive trees, African Iris, Dwarf Yupon Holly, Gardenias, Asian Jasmine, Crepe Myrtles -6 very popular landscape elements across Houston.

Olive trees, African Iris, Dwarf Yupon Holly, Gardenias, Asian Jasmine, Crepe Myrtles -6 very popular landscape elements across Houston.

Will’s and my found object β€” Lawndale Art Center, Mary E. Bawden Sculpture Garden

Will’s and my found object β€” Lawndale Art Center, Mary E. Bawden Sculpture Garden

World of Hum and Rumblings experiment

I have often wondered how my monotypes would look with a kinetic showdown piece. This is the first print I have tried with the kinetic sculpture. I think it is worth exploring.

This is a screenshot of a message I received on Instagram In the above post. I am please to make an Apis Dorsata and help spread the word regarding the bee problem in India -Apis Dorsata - ghost #2  watercolor monotype print 30” X44” detail of a 458…

This is a screenshot of a message I received on Instagram In the above post. I am please to make an Apis Dorsata and help spread the word regarding the bee problem in India -

Apis Dorsata - ghost #2 watercolor monotype print 30” X44” detail of a 458 sq.ft work that addresses the plight of native bees worldwide. ”rock bee” its common name is responsible for every third bite of food in India.

Apis Dorsata - Rock bee. 30” X 44” watercolor monotype

Apis Dorsata - Rock bee. 30” X 44” watercolor monotype

Apis Dorsata - Rock bee. Ghost30” X 44” watercolor monotype

Apis Dorsata - Rock bee. Ghost

30” X 44” watercolor monotype

Apis Dorsata - Rock bee. Ghost 230” X 44” watercolor monotype

Apis Dorsata - Rock bee. Ghost 2

30” X 44” watercolor monotype

Rumblings - Xylocopa micans

A male southern carpenter bee- This bee was sleeping on my Salvia the morning of July 4th. The male wild bees do not live in nests. When they emerge they fly out looking for females to breed with. When the females return to their nest to sleep the males curl up to an petal.

Xylocopa micans I

Xylocopa micans I

Xylocopa micans II

Xylocopa micans II

Xylocopa micans II ghost

Xylocopa micans II ghost

Image from my video

Image from my video