I try to do a little everyday. I am building the armature of the body. When it is finished it will be an old male - 12’ long 6’ tall . His head will be gently reaching left of center - He will be confidently and casually grazing on a variety greens native to the Texas Prairie. His neck will be supporting his massive head as it floats over the landscape. His tongue gently wraps around the next blade of little blue stem. His left front leg following the reach of his jaws as he sorts through the green haze. Right front leg is the main support in this moment of dining. It extends slightly wide to counterbalance the pendulum movement of the rhythmic massive jaw. The back left leg the main support of the shorter, less massive back end. 🤠
His right eye looking forward aware of his surroundings. They are prey animals. Prey animals eyes are on the side of their head.