Cutting the lath into strips, wrapping the rebar with the lath, and securing it with safety wire is a long process, and it is monotonous. Cut, wrap, secure, secure, secure, secure repeat... repeat, repeat. Concrete liquefies with motion, so if the lath wiggles as I press the concrete onto it, the concrete will liquefy and fall off the armature. The best way for me to make the armature and lath securely attached together is to do a little every day. I will make it a habit.
The lesson from the lovebirds at this stage of building the bench is to build good marriage habits into your daily routine. For example, in 30 years from now, if you hope to greet each other after a long day with a warm embrace and a kiss, then make a conscious decision to make that a habit today and every day. Discuss how you dream your marriage to be in 30 years, and consciously start those habits now, no matter how busy you might be.
Good Happy habits = happy marriage.
Cutting strips of lath to cover the rebar branches in.
working on the legs and feet.
Measuring a piece for the seat.
the lath work is complete.