Curtis and I signed up for the course, "Museums in Paris Behind Scenes: From Impressionism to Contemporary Art" Study Abroad ARH323.
Yesterday was our last day. It was such an intense immersion that I have not had time to recap the trip. I will do my best to recount the experience over the next several weeks.
There is truly no educational art history experience that can compare with a trip to Paris with art historian Anna Tahinci, PhD, Professor and Head of Art History at The Glassell School of Art, MFAH The Museum of Fine Arts, Houston.
curtis, me, poet Andy and painter Ellen Ray, Gary and painter Genie Jones discussing the day’s exhibits.
as spibges together, we were egar to soak up the how, the why, the when, and the who and then mold, paint, cast, fabricate, minimalize, gesturize, carve, digitalize, and create our own Houston bouillabaisse of artisti expression.
The next to the last day I saw this Jean Dubuffe. Why do I love him? It is great to see how expressive Jean Dubuffet a unique material. I love the little foot kicking out expressing the movement of Dance, and the expressive little dancers arms.
Monday we would start early.