I am expanding my regenerative agriculture/sustainable living work. This additional work will air the devastating impact that pesticides have on pollinators. I have decided that, to portray the reported impact of pesticides on this basic ingredient for life, the artistic language for communicating this message will be scale, placement, technique, and media.
Scale- My paper is 44” T X 30” W. The pollinators size will be magnified approximately twenty times.
(Should I go bigger?)
Placement- The bee will be on its back, and dead at the bottom of the page.
Media- I will use watercolor as it immolates the water properties of pesticides.
Technique-I will attempt to apply the media so that It speaks of the pesticide spray, pollen dust and disintegration. Getting the perfect technique down is one of trial and error. Below are trials I-VI.
Attempt #1
#2 getting better.
#3 is the ghost of #2
On day two I have decided to try adding more colors in the black and maybe blast it with a spray bottle of water and then print it.
Day 2
Glysophate #4
I added color more color but it is not showing up as I would like. The wings are much better.
glysophate #5
I added more color and.......in this photo you can’t see it. In person it is Subtle. I kind of like it.
I sprayed my plate with water after the last print and now I wait for it to dry. It is in puddles, it may never dry.
Glysophate #6
It has occurred to me that, working with individual bees, I am not addressing the colony collapse and disorder that will result. Should I? Do I need to?
Any thoughts to share?