"forgotten soul"


Will Michels http://madebywill.com/

 just sent me this photo he took of my sculpture.  

This piece was sculpted out of wax and organic  material to create texture and emotion of a lost and forgotten immigrant.  I then made a mold of the wax sculpture and cast it in bronze. The mold is destroyed to get the bronze out - resulting in a one of kind bronze. 


forgotten soul  - S. Erickson 

12.5" w x 9"d x 10.5" T


photo booth will Michels

S. Erickson was one of the thousands who died at the Oregon state mental hospital whose ashes were abandoned inside 3500 copper urns. I saw his picture in the newspaper and could not forget him. "One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest" was filmed at Oregon state mental hospital.  His file stated he was a laborer and suffered from senility, he came to New York in 1883 from Norway.  Mr. Erickson was one of the forgotten souls but I could not forget him.