Bee fossils- inspiration

Studying our past is an incredible learning tool. With that in mind, I found the below article about the oldest bee fossil.

Coincidentally I just made a mold of a fossil for personal reasons. Reading this article is inspiring some new ideas that will involve the fossil mold and bees.


Copy of SITE Gallery- Sculpture Month Houston - Installing the work#2

Things are now going smoothly maybe too smoothly. All the work I did this summer is paying off.


SITE Gallery- Sculpture Month Houston - Installing the work - my pregame plan

With lots of time spent preparing to install my work, installing it went by quickly.

During the days prior to the installation, I imagined trying multiple compositions of the pre-assembled sections, spending lots of time looking at it, adjusting it, and tweaking it and then adding smaller elements to tie the work together... and repeating the same process over and over until I was satisfied it was finished. That was my pre-game mental plan.

Once the support structure was in place, secure, and painted, it was time to install the work. First, I hung the two pieces I knew would be part of this work. I then looked at the way the shadows were falling on the concave surface of the wall and hung the two end pieces. It was then late in the day, and I decided to call it a day and decide what the next step was with fresh eyes in the morning.

The next day I showed up early in the day ready to sit, look and make changes that would be best for the work on the concave wall of a silo. I was excited to see the curator, Volker Eisele, in the parking lot when I arrived. I invited him to come take a look at my progress. 

Smiling he said, "You are done, it is finished." I was really happy that he was pleased, really happy. I was also surprised. Finishing this early was not my game plan. Yikes! It isn’t easy for me to mentally change my game plan. I think Volker could see this in my face, and as he walked away, he said, "You know my name is on this too, it is good." I completely understood and reminded myself how lucky I was that he liked it.

A good problem.🙂

ps. I now have the equivalent of another silo full of work in my studio………. bursting at the seems. Anyone need a keystone animal environmental installation?


Sculpture Month Houston - my silo

View from inside looking out.

View from inside looking out.

Looking north through another entrance.

Looking north through another entrance.

The blank walls and openings

The blank walls and openings

Can you imagine how many tons of rice dropped through this funnel? The gallery lighting is attached to the mouth. It is right in the center of the space. I am not sure I like the central placement.

Can you imagine how many tons of rice dropped through this funnel? The gallery lighting is attached to the mouth. It is right in the center of the space. I am not sure I like the central placement.

Day two - view from the silo to the east.Day 2- the scaffold and installers arrived, but the safety pins did not. Unfortunately, the funnel, or shoot hanging down in the middle of the space, is very awkward

Day two - view from the silo to the east.

Day 2- the scaffold and installers arrived, but the safety pins did not. Unfortunately, the funnel, or shoot hanging down in the middle of the space, is very awkward

Day 3- scaffold- 

After sleeping on it, I am going to return the scaffold and rent a scissor lift. An awkward 3 level scaffold is just not safe enough for me. 

Lighting- I was able to play with the lighting that is installed; it is too central for my piece. Luckily I bought a clamp on fixture with a twenty-five foot cord and ran it around the space to a place I think I like. I won’t know until some work is up. It does look hopeful.

Awkward scaffold and grain shoot

Awkward scaffold and grain shoot

Lighting from the side.

Lighting from the side.

The lighting in the center was not my preference. Lucky for me I happen to have a clamp light fixture which is consistent with the gallery lighting. My fixture has a 25’ cord and there is a place to clamp it right where I think I will like it. I have temporarily wired it in place. I can test it once I get my work delivered.